Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 6

What is the pen tool used for? The pen tool is used to create your own shapes and lines by creating and manipulating points.

How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too. The white arrow tool is used to move an entire line, move individual points, and adjust the curve of individual points. The pen+ tool is used to add more anchor points onto an existing line. The pen- tool is used to delete anchor points from a line. The convert tool changes points from curved to straight.

How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator? The layers palette can be used to lock images in place. You can also use a layer to trace over an image without having to draw on the image itself.

How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator? To create a clipping mask, you create a box without any fill or border. Arrange it to the front and then select everything you want to clip out and include in the mask. In the object menu, click on clipping mask, and then make.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 5


This is a great example of a poster using shape in it's design. The artist used different shapes to create interest in the piece. This poster has a great balance of different types and sizes of shapes. The placement of the shapes nicely moves the viewers eye throughout the work.


This advertisement greatly uses lines to create a nice flow to a beautiful image. The artist nicely uses a combination of straight and curved lines to create interest within the piece. They also used more lines to break up the image into block segments, adding more for the viewer's eye to enjoy. This creative piece makes the viewer interested in finding out more about what the message is and who is advertising it.


This poster is a great example of texture. The artist designed a soccer ball with each segment made up of a different snack food that they are advertising. The use of a texture not normally seen on a soccer ball makes it very interesting to it's viewers. It grabs the attention of the viewer and makes them want to look at the picture and figure out what the ball is made of.


This design poster uses it's negative space to it's advantage. The negative space draws the viewer's eye throughout the image, making the viewer want to see the next segment of the poster. The artist did a great job of ensuring that the negative and positive spaces balance each other out.


The artist of this poster uses value to balance out the image and make the viewer interested in reading the type. By creating a bright block of shapes and placing a white space next to it gives the viewer a balance so they aren't overloaded with color or an empty space. Even within the colorful part of the image, there is value to keep the eye from resting on it as a whole. Also within the white space, there is a gradient which causes the viewer's eye to view it from top to bottom which makes the viewer inadvertently read the poster.