Thursday, March 15, 2012
Assignment 16 Research and Inspiration
History of Visual Communications podcasts are already on blog.
Infographics are quick visual representations of information and data.
Some sort of line that travels through the page, connecting each event.
Darker from beginning of the history getting lighter and brighter with the chronology of each event.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Early Computers | 1930s - 1980s AD
In 1936, Zuse invented this type of computer? Freely programmable.
Post a photo of the 1944 Mark Computer.

In 1944, Aiken and Hopper designed the Mark Series of computers to be used for what? By the US Navy for gunnery and ballistic calculations.
Post a photo of the UNIVAC Computer.

In 1951, Eckert and Mauchly designed the first commercial computer for whom? The Census Bureau.
What does UNIVAC stand for? Universal Automatic Computer.
In 1953, IBM enters the scene. What does IBM stand for? International business machines.
What is FORTRAN? The IBM mathematical formula translating system.
Post a photo of the first mouse.

In 1964, how did Engelbart change the way computers worked? By making them a more user-friendly tool.
What is the significance of ARPnet? The first internet - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
In 1971, Intel introduced this? Post a photo of it. The first single chip microprocessor, the intel 4004

During the next several years, the first consumer computers were marketed. Post photos of the Altair, Apple I, Apple II, TRS-80, Commodore PET. Label each.


Apple I

Apple II


Commodore PET
In 1981, Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced this package? The MS_DOS computer operating system which was packaged with the IBM PC.
Post a photo of the Lisa computer.

What is GUI? Graphical user interface.
Post a photo of the computer mentioned below.

The commercial only ran one time. When? The 1984 superbowl, January 22, 1984.
In response to the Apple GUI, Gates and Microsoft introduced this? The Windows Operating system.
Two men are known for their development of the Apple I computer. Who are they? Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs.
When was the internet that we know, world wide web, developed and introduced? 1990.
Over the years, Apple has included "easter eggs" within their software. What is an "easter egg"? An easter egg is a hidden meaning for users to discover.
Search for easter eggs in Photoshop and Illustrator. List a few in this post ... and try to find them in the applications. 1. With photoshop running go to apple menu
2. Hold option key and pull down to about photoshop
3. You get beta splash screen
4. hold command key and click cat's nose
5. Belch!!
Where do you think computers will take us in the next 10 years? Computers will and already are revolutionizing the way that humans receive, give, and spread information. Computers will be used more frequently in schools and large companies will use more technology and programs on a daily basis.
Photography | 1839 - 1960s AD
What is a camera obscura? An optical device that projects an image of its surroundings onto a screen.
Post an example of a camera obscura.
How did scholars and artists utilize the camera obscure? A way to observe light.
From where did the photographic camera develop? The portable box.
Who first used the term "photography"? Where was is derived from? Sir John Hershel - the Greek words for light and writing.
Post an the first photograph.
Who is credited with making the first successful photograph? Joseph Niepce.
Post an example of a Daguerreotype image.
Who invented the Daguerreotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process? Louis Daguerre. The exposure time was reduced but it was expensive and the images couldn't be duplicated.
Post an example of a Calotype image.
Who invented the Calotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process? William Fox Talbot. The quality was inferior to Dauerreotype. An unlimited amount of duplicates can be made.
Post an example of a Wet Collodion Process image.
Who invented the Wet Collodion process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process? Frederick Scott Archer. Reduced exposure time and inexpensive. Inconvenient.
Post an example of a Dry Plate Process image.
Who invented the Dry Plate process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process? Richard Maddox. Simpler yet too complex for the public.
Who is George Eastman? Made photography accessible to all.
What company did he establish? The Eastman Kodak Company.
Post an example of The Kodak Camera from 1888.
In 1888, he produced a camera that use his flexible roll film. How did he make this camera/photography accessible to the public? He sold a camera for only $1.
What is Edwin Land best known for? What company did he establish? Patenting polarized light filters and the invention of instant photography. The Polaroid Corporation.
Post a photo of the first Polaroid camera.
How long did the first Polaroid camera take to produce a photo? 60 seconds.
What was Eadweard Muybridge known for? Using multiple cameras to capture motion.
Post a photo of the Zoopraxiscope.
What is the Zoopraxiscope? A device used to project a series of images in successive phases of motion.
Post a photo of Muybridge's horse in motion.
How did Muybridge settle the debate and photograph a horse in motion? Muybridge place cameras at intervals that would be triggered by a thread as the horse passed by.
In 1880s, the development of the motion picture camera allowed this? Individual images to be captured and stored on a single film reel.
Post a photo of a motion picture projector.
What is a motion picture projector? A light shines through the film and magnifies the moving picture onto a screen for an audience.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Assignment 15 Research and Inspiration
The text I want to use is lyrics from the Young the Giant songs Apartment and Cough Syrup. My first letter will be A.
Delicate, intricate, floral, deep colors.